What a TERRIBLE career choice for Phoebe Cates!
And not just because it was a terrible movie. But here she was, having just stole the movie from everyone with her nude scene in Fast Times and what does she do? She chooses a movie where she allows someone ELSE to steal the movie out from under her with THEIR nude scene. Betsy Russell in this movie might the most incredible nude actress of the decade in this movie. She is ridiculously gorgeous, and it is timeless hotness. A lot of 80s nudity, you can tell it is from the 80s. But Any one of those Betsy Russell scenes could fit in just as well in ANY decade of nude scene compilations. Maybe some slight 80s hair issues, but even that is not much. If this movie had been any good at all, it might have thrust her into the spotlight like Fast Times did with Phoebe Cates.