Miss Honeywell was fired?

Relating to the toilet scene, when Miss Balbricker was howling and freaking out about the snake in the toilet, what's his face? The older fatter coach said something like "It's can't be. I fired those two." or something like that, like Honeywell and the young coach she did it with in the first movie were fired right after that.

Spread The Fear,
Toyland Chairman



They were supposed to be fired at the end of the semester. Another continuity mistake on the studio's part. The cop's brother got beat up and was on crutches but the next 'day' he was fine and running around.


So the movie should've been called "Porky's II: The Next Semester"


The movie's called: "THE NEXT DAY." And yes, if you watch closely the introduction, and first 5 or 10 mins. kinda relate to the ending/conclusion of "PORKY's"(1982). But if you ignore this chronological events, the story itself could also take place some days later. Maybe even a week.
My guess is that the actors Coach Warren (D.McGrath) and Ms. Honeywell (K.Catrall) couldn't return - or wouldn't agree to return - so they were written off. I mean, they were destined to be fired by the end of the semester.



I know what you mean about the mistakes that they made in the sequel. It should have continued on where it was suppose to and not adding or removing scenes from the movie.

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Yes, she and Coach Brackett were fired at the end of the original film, probably due to them having sex in the boy's locker room. That was Coach Goodenough who said, "No, it can't be, I fired them." He says that because hearing the screams of Balbricker reminded him of Honeywell's screaming during sex and for a second thought it was them, then reminded himself it couldn't be.


I'll bet fans was very pissed off about that,considering it was probably the funniest scene in the first film,man. If somehow Porky's was to be remade,I would LOVE to play Miss Honeywell.


I'll bet fans was very pissed off about that,considering it was probably the funniest scene in the first film,man. If somehow Porky's was to be remade,I would LOVE to play Miss Honeywell.

Knowing these modern times, they'll probably get Paris Hilton for the role in the remake that's sure taking it's sweet time.

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Good. That Lassie scene in the first film was the worst part of the film by far. The only funny part of it was the second coach's laughter and the way he hid behind the curtain to bust a lung laughing.


My dad says the most laughter he's ever heard in a theater was when he went to see "Porkys" with my mom and the Lassie scene occurred. He said you couldn't even hear the dialogue in the next few scenes cuz everyone was still laughing.

So Long Old Friend, I wish that I could see you once again.

-Here Comes Garfield


Yeah, his laughter killed me. And Goodenough going to him and lift the curtain, or actually, a gym mat, was funny too.


My guess is that the actors Coach Warren (D.McGrath) and Ms. Honeywell (K.Catrall) couldn't return - or wouldn't agree to return - so they were written off. I mean, they were destined to be fired by the end of the semester.

Coach Warren and Miss Honeywell weren't the two having sex, genius. it was Honeywell and Coach Brackett (Boyd Gaines).


The fat old coach hinted to the young coach, "I hope you haven't gotten too attached to Angel Beach..." hinting that his days were numbered for whatever reason.


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"Moral Turpitude!"
