Dude if you hated it that much, I recommend you renting the Mystery Science Theatre version. It's sooo funny.
You know that part where "Trumpy" is looking at all the different animals that the little boy has?
Well Crooow makes fun of it by saying when he first sees the kitten, " Hmm, delicious kitty, like a potato." Then he goes down the table and sees some parakeets or what not and says, "Little winged potatos," then he sees the rabbit and says, "Hmm, this potato's got big ears," then he sees an empty cage and says, "Hmm no potatos."
It is so hilarious!! another funny line is after all of that, the boy comes in and starts blabbering to him about peanuts, and (I forgot the other robot's name on MST)the other robot says, "He doesn't speak your language dickweed!!" lol that cracks me up!! lol
I strongly recommend it!! seriously go to the blockbuster store and rent it right now!! J/K but you gotta see it, it is so very funny!! I can't emphasize enough how funny it is! (well I think so, but that's my opinion, but you should see it!!)
I love to draw!!!