Pod People
This has probably been addressed in another thread but I'll post it anyway.
In the MST3K version of this movie, "Pod People" the credits open over scenes from a completely differnt movie. "Cave Dwellers" (alias "Ator, the Something Whatever") did the same thing; the opening and closing credits played over grainy scenes from an Italian Tarzan rip-off, overdubbed with some cheap, cheesy synth music (probably a less than honest way for a distribution company to release the movie under a new copyright). Now, the "Cave Dwellers" movie is easy enough to find but what movie was playing over the "Pod People"? The IMDB Trivia section doesn't seem to list it as it does with "Cave Dwellers." Ordinarily, I wouldn't care one way or the other but from the few scenes that I saw, it looked marginally *worse* than "Pod People." I repeat, marginally worse.