Burning questions

Why couldn't the "I'm a Virgin" t shirt guy have been in the movie more?? was he REALLY a virgin?? why are we never told the answer to that???

Why does Tommy sound like a thirteen year old girl?? I am pretty sure his animal friends are going to be the only ones he has. I see rough high school years for that kid.

didn't it probably really hurt Trumpy's feelings at the end when Tommy pushed him away and said they weren't friends anymore?? I see Trumpy feeling Dumpy after that.

Sad movie :(


Hell, if they remade this today (Who am I kidding? WHEN they remake this) the "I'm a Virgin" dude would end up with his own series!


Really???!!! Oh! I just canĀ“t wait!


That guy was great. I love the moments in MST where the crew can't even comment, they just laugh.

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"


Yeah, the Virgin guy will get a series called Queer as Pod People, in which he will live with Rick and mourn the fact that his roomie likes girls. Taht's why he's a virgin after all; he's saving himself for that darling mysogynist musician.


"Good? He's the best!"
