The worst film I've EVER seen.

Having seen the same director's Slugs the other week, and thoroughly enjoying its utter crappiness, I was intrigued that Pod People was thought to be even worse. Finding a copy of it on Amazon I just had to buy it.

Having just watched it, I've concluded that no director has ever made the artistic leaps and bounds that Jean Piquer Simon did between this film and Slugs. In comparison, Slugs is on a par with Citizen Kane...


buy the mst3k version it's much better


As far as I know, ANY movie is better the MST3K way. When I rent movies, I find myself making snide comments like Mike, Joel and the 'bots did. It can ruin the entire movie experience, but makes a boring movie more entertaining


I just saw this movie (MST3K version, natch!), and God, is this movie awfull or what?

"A good movie is three good scenes and no bad scenes" Howard Hawks


Try watching Manos: The Hands of Fate.


How dare ye slander Manos! Torgo Will get smother you in your sleep with his knees for that! Or you might have to wrestle some nightgown clad women that were to frigid to take off their undergarments despite the fact that they totaly ruin the line of the costumes...Man that buged me.


I love Manos. Sure, it's campy and ridiculous, but it's so wierd and I think the guy who played Torgo was great. Pod People was bad, but I think the all time worst movie ever is The Robot vs the Aztec Mummy. Even MST3k couldn't make that one watchable.


I think that this is the least entertaining film I've ever seen.

"Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?" -- Dave Mustaine, Megadeth


Take that, OP!

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


You hated Trumpy? Nobody hates Trumpy.

...Okay, well, maybe a few misguided souls do.


Check out Monster-a-GoGo, or Trolls 2, they will make this movie look like Citizen Kane


Although , I must say it was quite bad, this one is definitely not the worst film I have ever watched. This honnor goes to "Troll 2" and "Pocket Ninja" . On the plus side "Pod people" was so bad it's funny , there are film who are just plain bad and not even in a funny way. In my opinion there are tons of low budget films in netflix that are actualy worse then "Pod people".
