Song while Driving?

Can anybody tell me what song is playing while the band is driving into the woods. You know, the one that sounds like Ringo Starr having sex with the Partridge Family. It actually be Ringo.....Hmmmmm.

Help a brother out.


I would also like the answer to this question.

"what should i do, it's getting late, i'm feeling blue"


From the DVD collection of "CLASSIC 50 MOVIES FEATURES" "SCI-FI INVASION" 12 Disc Set (2011) from Mill Creek Entertainment.

Note that there is no music credit off the DVD.
I don't own the DVD of "The Pod People" edit from Film Ventures International so I don't know if there were any further credit changes from what I watched on the MST3K poking fun at the movie.

Opening Credits for
Extra Terrestrial Visitors (1983)
(Retitled as "The Pod People" (1983) )
(all names are in uppercase in the actual DVD credits, all job titles are in lowercase, text is centered and centered to the horizontal axis on the screen. I have changed this for anyone else later COPY & PASTING so as to minimize later text editing corrections)


Extra Terrestrial

Ian Sera

Nina Ferrer
Susan Blake
Sara Palmer
Maria Albert
Emil Linder

Connie Cheston

Frank Brana
William Anton

and introducing
Oscar Martin
as Tommy

executive producers
Dick Randall
Faruk Alatan
Tony Moy

Piquer Simon
Jack Gray

John Marine

Emilo Ruiz

Libra Pastor

directed by
J. Piquer Simon


End Credits Roll for
Extra Terrestrial Visitors (1983)
(Retitled as "The Pod People" (1983) )

producer by


Color by

Frank Suzman
Gary Richardson
Hugo Astral
Louis Martin
Mark Treving

production manager
Emanual Pine

2º operator
Richard Navarro

3º operator
Peter Villard

make up
Peder Camacho

special effects
Basil Court

sound effects
George Rodriquez

Tony James

Caroline Stephan


For those wanting to hear the song it starts at 24 minutes + 31 seconds in on the movie.

Extra Terrestrial Visitors (1983)
Song starts at 0:24:31 into the movie
(Unknown Song Title, Unknown Performer that sounds somewhat British)

What should I do?
It's getting late
I'm feeling blue
Why can't I think
Its found me
One of her jokes

But she's not in the mood for playing

I can hear the sound of her crying
Feeling blue

What should I do?
She hasn't come
I'm feeling blue

I want to think that you will come at the end
But why you didn't call and tell me
About how you're feeling babe
Feeling blue

Sarah call me and tell me you love me
You tell me you'll meet me at the end of the show
At the door

Sarah call me and tell me you love me
You play the same game again
What do you want from me?


Well, it couldn't be Morrissey when he went solo because his solo work came out after 1987 and this movie came out in 1983.

So the best bet if it seriously is Morrissey then we have to look up "The Smiths" song list around or before 1983. Unfortunately this song doesn't sound at all like a song by "The Smiths".

Otherwise Ringo Star is a possibility, but
