I hated every character in this film
Unlike Manos, which had the dynamic Torgo and the kind of interesting 'older wife', Pod People has no likeable characters in it whatsoever. The cast includes the jerk weed Rick, who you want to slap briskly every moment he's on screen; his girlfriend Sharon who let's him get away with cheating on her blatantly(right in front of her face!); the irritating Brian, who recommends that Sharon just let Rick do his thing no matter what and also tells them to let Laura go off by herself in the woods!; The horrible slut Tracey who actually quips that she's going to find a "Ranger or a bear to sleep with," and wants to watch Dallas when all of her friends are being killed; Laura who is a total beyotch and a half; and the other girl whose name I can't quite remember(she made such an impression on me...not!). Not to mention the grouchy old goat Bill, his sister who takes all this killing in stride, and her weird kid Tommy with the high whiny voice who takes in an alien monster and has vicious mood swings. A truly unlikable cast, to say the least. The only person or thing that was worthwhile in the movie was the alien 'mom' who was offing everybody. And at that she failed because she missed out on killing Tommy and Rick.