MovieChat Forums > Nightmares (1983) Discussion > Shout Factory unfortunately won't be rel...

Shout Factory unfortunately won't be releasing this

At least not according to a review I watched on YouTube. The guy said he had wrote an email to the company asking about the film, and they responded to him saying that Universal basically had a death grip on the rights and didn't want to release the film to them, so it's unlikely we'll ever get another release of "Nightmares" in the conceivable future. It's a shame too because Universal is obviously not going to do anything with it.

I was holding out on this one for a potential Blu-ray, but after finding that out, I shelled out $55 for a used copy of the Anchor Bay DVD in an online trading forum. Decent price considering people want upwards of $100 on Amazon and eBay. Still really mad though that Universal refuses to collaborate with Shout Factory on releasing this.


This movie desperately needs a blu-ray upgrade too!! Damnit!!


If Universal wants to keep it so darn bad then they should release it!


It should be ilegal to keep a movie unreleased or unavailable.
This will be the new censorship, the politically correct one.


It's a shame they won't release it. Blue Underground
or Vinegar Syndrome could possibly get hold of the film.


Shout Factory has acquired some Universal titles to release on blu ray. NIGHTMARES is on that list!!
THE LEGACY and THE CAR are also slated for blu ray releases from the Universal deal. NIGHTMARES was just announced by Scream Factory a day or two ago so it won't be until the end of 2015 or early 2016 but it's coming!!!!


Just posted the Scream Factory press release for this title at my site - you can read the details and see cover art and a trailer by clicking here:

Schlockmania, your online guide to the Schlock experience:


I own it on Blu-Ray :)

Danielle Harris 
Ive got a big dog with me, and he bites!


movie sucks ass. Watch CREEPSHOW instead. That's how it's done.
