MovieChat Forums > Nightmares (1983) Discussion > Night of the Rat Help..

Night of the Rat Help..

I think I saw this movie when I was very young, but have an extremely vivid memory about a movie involving a giant rat in this guy's house, and it concludes with him sending his family away for the night, nailing a bunch of nails into a baseball bat, and getting all "Ramboed" up to fight the rat. Is this the right movie, can anyone help me out?


The movie you're thinking of is "Of Unknown Origin." It stars Robocop himself, Peter Weller.

Giant rats were sort of a subgenre theme in the mid-80s, with this film, the aforementioned one, and "Gnaw: Food of the Gods 2."


Thank you very much kind sir.


Not to mention Rats: Night Of Terror and Deadly Eyes...
