Your place or mine?

When Fatima sets up the bomb in one of the apartments, we don't know which, but I think it's reasonable to assume she put the bomb under Bond's bed. She could have found his room number easily since she knew who he was, there is a pair of men's shoes under the bed and she wouldn't have known the fishing woman, so finding her room number would have been difficult.

So when Nigel Small-Fawcett calls Bond, why does he call Bond in her room? Apart from an opportunity for Bond to deliver a corny one-liner, does this qualify as a goof?

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


Perhaps he at some stage got someone to call forward from his room to the girls hotel room...I dunno.
It's prob a goof then.


Nah, Small-Fawcett says "I've finally tracked you down" or something to that effect once he gets Bond on the phone. Since he does work for MI6, we have to give him some credit here.

If he was really looking for Bond, he could have made several calls, using some authority to get otherwise private information, or contacted other low-level watchers in the area who might've seen something. It's probable that Bond was at least being watched, since they knew ahead of time to expect him, and his reputation with MI6.


Exactly, plus the desk clerk gave Bond & the woman their keys at the same time. Perhaps the clerk was simply able to identify the person and room.

I know what the OP means, though; when I first saw it I wasn't sure whose room got blown up. In retrospect, it was most likely Bond's.

The war is not meant to be won... it is meant to be continuous.


Of course it was Bond's room, Fatima blew up. Bond was just lucky that they made the right choice and yes the Hotel attendant gave Smallfacet the location of Band after he couldn`t find him in his room.


There is a delete scene Where Fatimah, fresh from the Jukaroo, (where she saw Bond and the Fisherwoman) goes the the front desk and asks what room Mr Bond is in and when he is expected back. Fatimah is given the room Number and told that he will be back at % pm, to which she replies "dead at 5" Had that scene remained in tact , there would be no ambiguity.
