Real Tomato ketchup



Nuthin' but the best! Cousin Eddie...original hipster?!?


You get plenty of meat at home. Be polite, have some ketchup.

Guacamole in my choos


Hamburger Helper is better than Tuna Helper.


I never got this. Like, is there "fake" tomato ketchup out there somewhere? I always assumed Clark thought it was a generic brand of ketchup, but I never really knew for sure.


I think Clark is intimating that the ketchup is just smashed up tomatoes without any thing else like sugar or whatever other ingredients it takes to make bottled ketchup.


I never got the Hamburger Helper reference. The kits don't make burgers, they're pasta dishes.


Im only guessing that Eddie was seasoning the buns with the Hamburger Helper powder? He asked Clark how he wanted his bun cooked.


Or maybe he mixed the seasoning packet into the meat? I dunno, I just found it to be out of place.


There wasn't any meat.


Well now I want to go back to that scene and zoom in on the sandwich and what was on the grill 😂


Im only guessing that Eddie was seasoning the buns with the Hamburger Helper powder?

No, he actually made a "burger" but did so without any beef - just 'helper...

Hamburger helper "extends" a pound of meat by adding pasta (or maybe rice too?) which also makes a thick sauce when water or canned broth is added. You the beef, 'helper, and liquid in a pan until it reduces to a thick casserole consistency. What Eddie did was mix up the Hamburger Helper and left out the beef. He then took the pasta/sauce 'helper mixture, formed a patty, and grilled that. Mmmmm...

Notice when Clark took a bite it just oozed out of the bun?

Now, even if Eddie used beef with the Hamburger Helper to extend his limited meat budget, it still would have been a diluted burger (half beef, half 'helper) and that would have been disgusting enough, but he didn't even use the beef!


I totally missed this in that scene and wondered why it splattered everywhere. Thank you!


I like it better than Tuna Helper myself.


I agree with Eddie! Tuna Helper is nasty! Ugh.


That's actually Alex, but yeah!
