What would this movie be rated today?
What MPAA rating do you think this movie would be rated today?
shareWhat MPAA rating do you think this movie would be rated today?
share-I think the only words they use are "bitch" and "hell"
-Very light sexual humor (Jack's dream, Ron Richardson coming on strong to Caroline)
-Possibley the fact that Caroline pulls the gun on Jack in his dream and shoots him... but that's not such a big thing since it was only a dream after all.
I guess because of these things, it would probably get a PG, which I think it is anyway.
I understand your question after what i see being a PG movie today...this should be so much less 24 years later...but it still strays from the "G" rating...in only the most subtle ways...the obvious was were staed by the previous responder....but today the "implied" sexual tension between Jack and joan would automatically make it a PG, though it was the "implication" that probably kept it PG all those years ago.
Lets Not forget...as far as weapons and "violence" and Language goes Star Wars was to be given a "G" rating...but Lucas pushed for the PG....To keep it from being just a kids movie.
In my personal opinion...which is all I can portray...is that this movie should really be a "G" movie today. Everything about the movie is family oriented, the language isn't strong...and even the violence is almost cartoonish....minus the dream sequence...LOL...still a great movie all around
Some of what you're saying, I agree with.
But I disagree that by today's standards it would be a G.
The rating system is still strict and would not look past certain things.
But I can confidently say that it would not be a G rated film with some of the language used in it. I've never seen an American G movie within the 21st century that associated the word *beep*
I think the whole male stripper scene would give it a PG-13
soldier #32 heavy muscle
The Warriors
Yep. And if it had been made today, they would've been female strippers with bare boobs. Can't have a good comedy without female nudity!
I think the strip club was probably one of my favourite scenes in the movie; Jack was a pretty good sport (but those strippers could use some wax. Dude!)
If this movie were made exactly as it is, it would be a light PG-13.
Realistically though, a remake would have more crass humor and situations, more ridiculous slapstick, but it would still go for a PG-13.
If this movie came out today it would receive a PG-13 rating simply because the star of the movie was smoking. (Plus the fact that tobacco use wasn't even implied or explicitly stated as something negative)
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