I was born in 1985 and my parents had a stroller for me too. But it looked a lot more modern than the stroller in the movie. It was a stroll a bed but the wheels on it were a lot smaller then versus the 1990's. Even the baskets below them were bigger too while in the 80's they were a lot smaller. I would guess the stroller is from the 1970's and it was used on Alex and Kenny when they were babies.
Look at Megan's car seat, now mine looked a lot different too. I would guess hers looked from the 70's too. I don't think they had a law then about car seats being too old. Today they have to be at least 5 years or younger in age to use. If the car seat is more than 5 years old, you have to get a new one. So we would not be able to use one from 2002 because it be too old to use. Even thrift stores won't take them but some do but if they are too old, they will not. Back in the 70's car seats did not have sides on them but then only the tops of them did, then in the 1980's there were sides on them instead of only at the top where the toddler's head is.
Oh yeah and the pads, the packages are plastic now, not boxed and they are a lot smallar too. Even diapers were boxed then too but now they are in plastic packages.