00 = doesn't deserve to exist, not even a movie
01 = horrible, disservice to humanity
02 = watchable once if really drunk
03 = has some good points, but not enough
04 = can be watched, but can't get much out of it
05 = mediocre, watchable, but not entertaining
06 = fails as a movie, but can have merits
07 = entertaining with flaws, or bad with some good parts
08 = very watchable, recommended, not extraordinary
09 = amazing, you miss out if you don't see it
10 = the best possible, most inspiring movie ever
No movie I have ever seen rises to level 10, and I am not convinced level 09 movies exist on this planet, either. Lots of eights, even more sevens, and the rest is pretty much garbage.
The Meaning of Life is pretty much 5.5. It's mediocre, it fails as a movie, it's just gross, unfunny or awkward skits that just miss the mark, have bad timing, bad premise or just boring performance from beginning to end.
Just adding 'surrealism' to a skit doesn't make it good, you know. The whole 'live organ transplant' thing was clearly not thought through very well, as it's very disjointed (just like this whole almost non-movie), and basically just cruelty done to an innocent human being without anyone caring. It's scary, as one can easily imagine being the victim that no one defends.
This movie is depressing if anything. And that's a comedy failure for sure. The Holy Grail has a very dark and deeply disturbing 'vibe' to it, but at least it is so funny that it can be tolerated.
This movie is just a depressing failure, and giving it 5.5 is generous.
Life of Brian is a bit disturbing, but has good jokes, makes sense and has a coherent story (albeit with sad ending).
But this 'skit collection' just fails on all levels, except for a couple of fleeting funny moments here and there. The death-scene was interesting, and gives hope - the song about galaxies and the Universe gives perspective to people that usually don't think about these things, etc. But overall, it's not good.