No need to reply, just a funny 'Life' anecdote :)
As the subject says, replies aren't necessary on this topic (though feel free should you wish!). I simply had a funny situation on the job, and felt like sharing to pass along the humor :)
I work at a grocery store as a midnight cashier, and things tend to be more fun and laid back than during the day shifts.
Last night while I was working, a gentleman in his mid-late 40s came through my till. We have canned sockeye salmon on sale this week, and he purchased 10 cans. As I began ringing them through, I started giggling to myself, and it was slowly getting harder to hold it in. Finally, this fellow smiles (mixed with a bit of confusion too!), and asks me "What's the joke? Fill me in!" I assumed by the look on his face that he has a sense of humor, so I laughed and let him have it...
I explained that seeing the canned salmon reminded me of a part in one of my favorite movies. The scene in "Monty Python's Meaning of Life", where Death comes to take everyone away, and the host says to his wife "Did you use canned salmon in the mousse?!" and she replies something to the effect of "Oh dear, I'm so frightfully embarrassed!".
Well, thinking of that had been enough to get me giggling, so by this time I was having a damn good laugh. Thankfully, my instincts had been right, and the customer was doing the same. He said he hadn't seen the movie in years, and I mentioned that I watch it from time to time on Netflix. Excitedly, he said his wife would get a huge kick out of our conversation, and his plan was to watch the movie with her this weekend.
The transaction came to a close when I assured him that our canned salmon products are safe, and that eating it wouldn't produce the same results as the movie LMAO. I swear, my other co workers thought we were totally insane!
Some time later, when they all took their break, they'd been wondering what the laughter was all about. I told them what had happened, and one of the guys says "You're the only person who could make a comment about people dying after eating something, AND sell TEN cans of it anyways all in one shot!".
There are times I really love my job. This was one of them xD