the execution girls

The execution girls were quite pretty and athletic, and their beauty (in the ingenious outfits of crash helmets, genital patches, foot protection, and nothing else) would have made this lukewarm film more watchable if they had more screen time. Instead we got gross, unfunny stuff like Mr. Creosote which I found thoroughly unpleasant.


Go jerk off on an old Playboy and be done with it.


Ha! Yes. This film is genius. They knew exactly what they were doing. If the OP wants a bunch of mostly naked chicks he was watching the wrong movie. Maybe he needs to watch something baron of comedy. It's a comedy sketch movie, not Benny Hill. Wait, that's a comedy sketch Perhaps he thought just because it's British comedy it is Benny Hill.


" This film is genius"

Films can't be 'geniuses'.

Also, there's nothing genius about trying to provoke everyone and everything by being as boring, gross and violent as possible, when you're not meaningless (the waiter skit is just a waste of time, for example).

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail is funny, really funny.

Monty Python's Life of Brian is less funny, but it has a coherent story, sympathetic main character, poignant showcasing of mass psychology and interesting point about how religions were possibly born, although the ending is a big disappointment, of course. Crucifixion was one of the most inhuman 'normalized' things in the whole history of this war-planet.

This damn movie is just really bad on all possible levels, and no 'this is genius'-type justification cuts it; face it, it IS exactly what you see, a lousy attempt at provocation instead of a great attempt at being funny.




That's why I specified an OLD Playboy!


People can debate witch sketches were good, bad or ugly. But most red blooded males will agree that scene was eye candy to the max. Who wouldn't want to be chased to their deaths by those G-string and helmet clad sluts ?


Well, I don't agree that sexual provocation is the key to a good movie, or exploitation of men's sexuality is the ticket for success, but I agree that this movie is gross, grotesque, weird for weirdness' sake (the 'find the fish' segment is neither funny nor entertaining, and the fish is just a red herring anyway), so when this 'movie' (a collection of bad skits, really) tries to be funny, it fails and falls on its face.

What's the point of any of the scenes? The Michael Palin asking people if there's something else they'd rather be doing-skit is somewhat funny-ish, the 'death' scene is somewhat entertaining, but the end conclusion is not MEANING of anything, it's just a list of commands/suggestions - where's the meaning in THAT?

Meaning would be something like: "Because this needed to be done, that thing was built for it". It's not "be good and carry a shopping bag".

This 'movie' is a failure on all possible levels, the grossness and violence, exploitation of men's sexuality and boring 'cartoons' (I always hated them in the TV show) just ruin whatever good might otherwise be found in this travesty.

If this is your favorite Monty Python-movie, there's something seriously wrong with you.


oh, lighten up, you miserable twat


Wast the cast member they were chasing gay also. That had me laughing at his predicament, most men would love for that situation


Yes, the late Graham Chapman was gay.
