Well, I don't agree that sexual provocation is the key to a good movie, or exploitation of men's sexuality is the ticket for success, but I agree that this movie is gross, grotesque, weird for weirdness' sake (the 'find the fish' segment is neither funny nor entertaining, and the fish is just a red herring anyway), so when this 'movie' (a collection of bad skits, really) tries to be funny, it fails and falls on its face.
What's the point of any of the scenes? The Michael Palin asking people if there's something else they'd rather be doing-skit is somewhat funny-ish, the 'death' scene is somewhat entertaining, but the end conclusion is not MEANING of anything, it's just a list of commands/suggestions - where's the meaning in THAT?
Meaning would be something like: "Because this needed to be done, that thing was built for it". It's not "be good and carry a shopping bag".
This 'movie' is a failure on all possible levels, the grossness and violence, exploitation of men's sexuality and boring 'cartoons' (I always hated them in the TV show) just ruin whatever good might otherwise be found in this travesty.
If this is your favorite Monty Python-movie, there's something seriously wrong with you.