Those who don't rate this film, don't find it amusing? I'm sorry to say this, but its clearly gone way over the head of those who believe all comedic entertainment need be punchline or gag driven.
In the context of its era, this film was so daring for mainstream cinema it was almost punk rock. There is no taboo it does not break, and it does so with a black heart and a raised eyebrow.
As for the philosophical, spiritual and metaphysical themes being lampooned, debated and juxtaposed... nothing else in mainstream comedy ever touched a fraction of this.
Whilst on a visceral level, it hits levels of 'gross out' comedy and warped characterisation that wouldn't be repeated in mainstream British comedy for 20 years until the League Of Gentlemen and Little Britain.
Innovative, fearless, wise, warped and decades before its time- this is the Pythons at their bleak, cynical peak.