This film is false advertising!
At anyone point did it give you an answer to life? No I don't think so. I demanded my money back from the DVD store.
By the way,
The True answer is OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!
At anyone point did it give you an answer to life? No I don't think so. I demanded my money back from the DVD store.
By the way,
The True answer is OUR SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!
How utterly tiresome.
Thanks, I thought I wouldn't be the only person who thought this movie was tiresome.
Also, it lacks a plot entirely, worse than family guy!
I think she was referring to you, not the movie.
share"Well, it's nothing special. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
Sounds like a meaning of life to me, friend.
If you could hear that over your own arrogance, I wouldn't have had to spell that out for you.
If you were offended in any way by the preceding post, go make one yourself.
Monty Python is right, it is nothing special.
1. You need to eat fat to live.
2. Blind people can't read so they can't have a meaning to life??
3. Disabled people can't walk so they can't have a meaning to life?
4. The only way to peace and harmony is through CHRIST, the true meaning of life!
Christ accepts all, including the blind and disabled :)
oh shut up
"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
Ignorance is bliss I suppose, but it will only be temprorary for you since rejection of CHRIST will lead to eternal damnnation!!
shareIf I am God's unwanted child, so be it!
"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
lol, I doubt the op ever saw fight club anyway
music videos I've made^
It goes against the almighty christ's ways
"I'm gonna give you a little somethin' you can't take off. "
Mate, if otherwise I'd have to spend eternity with sanctimonous holier-than-thou a-holes like you, I'd take my chances on the other place !
shareIgnorance is bliss I suppose, but it will only be temprorary for you since rejection of CHRIST will lead to eternal damnnation!!
I wouldn't worry so much about finding the meaning of life, what's really important is that people aren't wearing enough hats.
Wakes me up in the middle of the night sometimes.
In my pre-apostate days, it was a sin to watch blasphemous movies like this. Whacho doin' watching this anyway?
"Repent, repent. Everyone repent. Accept Jesus. I don't mean everyone except Jesus repent. I mean accept Jesus into your life."
Jesus was just a loony who thought he was the son of God.
shareNo, Jesus was a great philosopher. You can tell because he has an "s" in his name.
shareOi Veh! Born again fruit loops!
They gave the meaning of life in the middle of this flick...
"Contrary to popular belief man does not have a soul ab initio, rather it has to be brought into being...." etc.
Dale in Alabama, (surrounded by Born again Bible Thumpers..)
"If those sweethearts won't face German bullets--They'll face French ones!"
2 of them!
Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
*beep* off!
shareAnd considering it was made by Monty Python, why did you think you were going to see some sort of religious screed of a film?
shareProve it.
So much wrong with your post, I don't think I can even respond fully. But here goes..
First point, YES, they did give the meaning of life at the end (as they see it, probably) - and they even hinted at it in the business meeting - being spiritual, but being distracted.
Of course their 'meaning of life' is just a series of commandments about being nice to others and such, which isn't really a 'meaning' so much as it's just a 'what you should do' or 'how you should behave' guidelines. Actual MEANING isn't really touched in that last sentiment, so I guess in some way, you're right. They did give something, but the context of that something wasn't satisfying or, in a sense, 'meaningful'.
Second point, you say 'answer', but 'meaning of life' is not a question. Life is not a question.
Therefore, it can't have an 'answer'.
Third of all, to what question is The Oiled One the answer?
I think religious nuts don't really understand what they're spouting, they're just parroting some weirdly non-lively, dead routing some priest (that doesn't understand anything more about life than they do) has instilled in their skulls.
Look, The Oiled One came here as a messenger, to teach us how to turn this planet into a paradise so everyone could spiritually develop in harmony and good existence. However, as usual, we murdered him and distorted his teachings that even the priests don't understand anymore. 'Losing life to gain life' is just a dead phrase that no one understands. The real meaning of that particular teaching simply was that we must lose the greedy, materialistic, selfish, egotistical, fear-based life to gain a proper, harmonious life when we trust the Creator to take care of us.
He himself isn't any "answer" (how could an entity be? Reducing a greater being than yourself to mere answer because you blindly belief a dogma you can't even understand because it's mostly nonsense anyway, is not very wise, and is downright insulting).
He did give us information..
He gave us a 'cosmic message', if you will, from the Creator of the Universe to a planetful of people, a basic guideline on how to change everything for the best.
Churches then removed part of that message as they mutilated the bible, and religions started accumulating all kinds of rituals, dogma and false doctrines amids the clear and simple message of truth that the Oiled One tried to give us. We tortured him to death and started talking about him somehow magically removing our sins (before we have even made them? What?) so we don't have to become good people, we can do whatever we want, as long as we repent in our deathbed and BAM! sins removed.
In reality, he DID talk about Karma and all, and there are still a few references to eternal life and 'you reap what you sow' and such things.
Look, he is 'answer' in the sense that if you listen to what he tried to teach us, you can live a good and spiritual life. But he's not an 'answer' in that if you 'believe in him' or 'let him in your life', then you can do whatever you want. You have responsibility, agency and karma, and no entity can take it away from you. Your actions WILL have consequences.
In any case, he has nothing to do with 'meaning of life' - that is, why does existence exist? No one has answered this question satisfactorily as far as I know.
The Oiled One had to give a message of truth, so he had to be a very high-level being, so he wouldn't distort the message. He couldn't incarnate into a regular human body, as a high-level entity of great power, so an Earth woman had to be artificiall inseminated from a seed of a higher-level being, in essence, creating much stronger and higher-vibrating body that can withstand such high-level energies. This is why Maria had to be 'virgin' although she was made pregnant (by the helpers, which people called 'angels', but which were just highly developed otherplanetary people.
To them, appearing/etc. by 'materialization' and 'dematerialization' is child's play
It all makes sense if you bother to use logic, think for yourself and research a little bit. But people rather listen to what some priest parrots from what he (or she) was brainwashed to blindly parrot, and so on. Everyone just regurgitates, no one thinks. This is not what the Oiled One wanted. He didn't want a religion being formed from his message. He just needed to be a high-level being so the message could remain pure and undistorted, so he even had to go through a spiritual initiation in the pyramids of Egypt (which is why they were built in the first place, because the energy mix nourishes and protects the physical body while the soul and astral body are somewhere else, being taught spiritual lessons and going through initiation. What energy mix? Well, pyramid concentrates both Earth energy and Cosmic energy to be the most powerful at the exact point where the 'King's Tomb' (initiation chamber) is located. People know about razors sharpening in a pyramid, food never spoiling - it's because of this energy concentration)
Phew, such a simple thing, so hard to explain.