MovieChat Forums > Local Hero (1983) Discussion > No longer available on DVD?

No longer available on DVD?

Can't seem to find a new copy available anywhere. Can only buy it used from various vendors on Amazon. And I can not find it at any other on-line seller.

Why would Warner Brothers stop selling a movie with such a big and loyal cult following? I always liked to get it as a gift for friends who had yet to see and enjoy this wonderful film.


I'd buy a blu ray version if they ever bought it ought.


Me too.
This movie *begs* to be blu-ray.


Only if the version that Warner Brothers gave HDNet Movies last year is an aberration.

The version HDNet Movies showed had a very messed up soundtrack where the music was all but missing in several scenes.

For example, the scene where Danny admits to Marina the real plans (at the Ceilidh) there was NO music behind the scene. Completely horrible.

I'd rather have an old DVD than a mangled Blu-ray. :(


It's in a collection on dvd with three other Burt Lancaster films, does anyone know if it's the edited version or the one that was included on the prior dvd?


Peddler...would you be kind enough to give me more info re the 3 DVD pack of Burt Lancaster Films you're talking what the box is called, or company ,,,anything I can ask the store to order one for me.....thanks. Oh pls ensure the box info I'm asking have the LOCAL HERO film in it....

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I'm not sure what the exact specifications are, as Amazon is a bit spotty sometimes, but I may pick it up soon.

So far, it seems that it's all four original releases packed into one keep case, kind of like what they've been doing with season dvds of tv shows.


There still are new copies at Amazon through various vendors. The price is outrageous tho; surely reflecting the demand/offer equation. Someone should alert Warner.

I lended mine --purchased in 2006- to a f(r)iend and didn't get it back. Fortunately I had made a digital backup to add Spanish subs so my wife could watch it and can restore it from there if the need arises. Now it resides in two backup external hard disks.


I just got mine thru Amazon for $12.99. It's a four-pack for Burt Lancaster but all the movies are all separate DVDs. Just finished watching it again. I just love that movie.

It's called TCM Greatest Classic Legends Film Collection: Burt Lancaster...


I just got it for christmas for hubby in a 4 film Burt lancaster set. its on Amazon. has "The Flame and the Arrow, 7 days in May, Local Hero and 1 other film. It was not at all expensive.. 4 disc set.

We watched it tonight. One of our all time favorite movies.
