MovieChat Forums > Local Hero (1983) Discussion > So which one is supposed to be the local...

So which one is supposed to be the local hero?

It's not clear to me to whom the title refers and why. No one acts heroically. Perhaps it's meant ironically?



That is a good question. The character, Mac, is the protagonist of the film. He is lionised by the people in the community because of what he offers them, but he doesn't do anything heroic, and he is only local in the sense that his name has led to him being considered to have Scottish heritage. But remember the request for his autograph just before he catches the helicopter.


The character, Mac, is the protagonist of the film. He is lionised by the people in the community because of what he offers them, but he doesn't do anything heroic, and he is only local in the sense that his name has led to him being considered to have Scottish heritage.

Mac basically became a villager as the film progressed. By the end of the film, It seemed to me that Mac felt Houston was a foreign land, and he longed to be in Ferness.

I'm not saying Mac is definitely the "Local Hero" (as someone mentioned above, I think it's intentionally open to interpretation), but I personally think he is meant to be.

I think the main theme of the film was all about Mac's transformation from American Oil Company executive to Ferness villager.


There's no correct answer. The Local Hero is whoever you want it to be.


Maybe it's the mermaid played by Jenny Seagrove
