MovieChat Forums > The Keep (1983) Discussion > they really need to get the audio on thi...

they really need to get the audio on this cleaned up

i watched it on netflix instant the other day and i thought it was a really good flick. a lost gem, i had never even heard of. my only beef was that the audio was so horrible. when people were talking, i had to turn my sound all the way up and there were still some scene where i couldn't hear everything being said. then, the music would come blaring through and practically blow out my speakers. it's like they recorded them on 2 different tracks and the dialogue track got completely screwed up. this film could really benefit from a digital remastering to help balance this audio issue out. anybody know if they've done that yet, or if plans are in the work?

So remember the new number! That's 0118 999! 881 999 119 725... 3!


Yeah, subtitles would have been nice at the very least. A lot of the dialogue, I couldn't even make out.



Ditto I had the remote in my hand and had to keep turning the volume up and down.

I am broke, I spent my money on fast cars, guns, and ammo, they rest my money was wasted
