Alright, before saying anything, let me say that I am a huge, HUGE Michael Mann fan. I've seen/owned/adored pretty much every movie he's produced, and I think he's one of the most overlooked and consistently good directors we have working today. That said, I just watched The Keep for the first time.
Wow, what a bad film.
Now I don't mean to call you guys out, but I'm guessing that a big percentage of Keep fans are Michael Mann fanboys, the ones who believe that to really appreciate an artist, they have to appreciate every piece of work they have ever done (ie not criticize it). Now I don't know the backstory behind it, it's possible maybe the studios made Mann do things with the film he didn't want to do, after all he wasn't really a huge name on the scene in 1983. I'm also not one who complains that a film is 'dated' or 'corny,' as I try to put myself in the mindset of a 1983 viewer. But still, many things were just glossed over, chopped, and didn't do a whole lot for the movie. Scott Glenn's character is maybe the most underdeveloped and underused protagonist I've seen in a film, and the sex scene is just completely out of left field (and yes, I understood why it was there, I just don't agree with it being there). The ending was far too quick and for a horror movie like this, it leaves too much for the audiences' assumptions. I haven't read the book, I don't really plan on it, and yes I understand that a longer cut exists, but for someone who just watched the theatrical edit, I was far from impressed. Sorry, but thank goodness Mann's best work was ahead of him.