70mm? aka potato?
I'm slightly confused... isn't 70mm supposed to contain more information than 35mm film? The image quality should be of a higher detail, correct? So why is this so terrible? I'm guessing it has something to do with the transfer from film to the media I'm viewing it from (saw it on Netflix last Summer). All of the Youtube clips look bad as well. Everything is pixelated and out of focus. This must have looked astonishing in person when it was released in the theater, but my god, it's terrible now. I love this film, and feel the cool atmosphere is being hindered by the fact it looks like a TV movie on a crap 80's glass bubble screen TV. What's the resolution on those? Like... 1?
Anyhow, sorry for the rant, just curious why this looks like it was filmed with a potato, when Sound of Music, some 20 years before it, looks like Inception quality in comparison.