The Keep: From Book to Cinema Discussion
I first saw The Keep many years ago as a kid growing up in the 80's. As a child I only remembered the amazing soundtrack and the brooding atmosphere. When I rediscovered it after purchasing the VHS about ten years back I realized that this was a very good, although almost non-coherent horror film. Realizing as well that the source material came from Paul F Wilson's book of the same name, I decided to read the story to find more coherency in the plot.
After reading Wilson's book my view of the film has changed. I still really like the movies atmosphere but I can't help but wonder what happened to many of the events that happened in the book. There is so much that was removed for the movie you have to wonder what everyone was really thinking. I understand taking creative liberties. Almost every film based from a novel has done that, but film version of The Keep seems to have little in common with the book aside from names and certain events.
Some spoilers here for people that didn't read the book. An important part of the book was when there was reference made to Molasar (Rasalam) possibly being the origin of vampire lore. This would make some sense as in the book he has the dead digging for him for the relic. None of this was in the film. Also, the movie has Rasalam being very easily defeated by Glaeken at the end with Glaeken being taken with Rasalam. The books ending was much more interesting with a drawn out battle between the two and Glaeken not dying. These are only a few parts removed from the movie.
I guess my point is why would the story have been rewritten for the cinema so drastically? The ending feel totally rushed and a lot of important character development was removed entirely. I did notice that there is a very long cut of the film mentioned on this website that probably at least helped character development, but I have yet to see or even find this copy.
Anyway, thought I would share my thoughts and see what others think about the book and the film and to see if anyone knows anything about the extended cut of the film.
I'm just a guy that likes horror flicks.