I've loved this film since I 1st saw it in 1983. Tangerine Dream has always been great band, and this is one of their best scores. Even though Molasar is the villain (or the main one anyway), I find him to be a compelling character. Sure he's evil, and I'm glad he wasn't released at the end, but he was also cool as h**l. Extreamly powerful and awesome in apperance. If he was a "good guy" he'd make a great superhero.
Um there is nothing good about Molasar. He is a super *villain*, as he is pure evil. That's why Molasar is a great super villain. Glenn is the superhero here.
I think it's the "compelling", "cool" and "awesome" discriptors that provide a less than warm reply. Those terms don't exactly support an opinion that he is evil. Its not generally words one would apply when discussing somthing that firmly lands in the "villian" category. Saying something is cool.....but yeah evil, doesn't lend credence to your opinion.
All the greatest fictional villans have been complelling and facinating characters, despite being evil. Ever hear of Khan, Darth Vadir, Doctor Doom, Dracula, The Joker, Catwoman, Don Corleone? If they were bland and boring they wouldn't create any conflict or be much of a threat. I'm glad Molasar was destroyed,and Scott Glenn was the true hero, and in the alternative ending he does not perish, but becomes human. Which I think isa better ending that should have been used. I didn't say I liked Molasar or was on his side, but I do find him a complelling character. If that's not PC, oh well. Thanks for the input.
I didn't make an opinion one way or the other- simple made an observation of two comments- one yours. And I also observe that you latched onto only one of your earlier discriptors. And no one brought up political correctness. Glenn becoming human is how the story does end, by the way. The film version altered the book.
I'm not looking for a debate on fictional characters and events. It's all somewhat meaningless anyway. I just felt like I was being judged as admiring and sympathizing an evil character which I don't. Thay's why I mentiond PC. I don't side with evil and tyranny at all. Fiction isn't meant to be taken seriously anyway. I did read part of the book, but didn't make it to the end. It was very diffrent from the movie and didn't really hold my intrest much. Maybe I'll try again. Glenn becoming human and ending up with the girl is a good ending. Too bad her father became ill again, but if you make a bargin with evil it seldom turns out good. Molasar did kill all those SS guys, which was a good thing. But I'm sure he didn't do it out of altruism. Morasar in the novel was a Vlad the Impaler type vampire, as opposed to a metamorphising evil spirit. Whichever you think is more intresting is a matter of taste. Either way it's a great story though.