Anyone else find this unwatchable?
I keep trying to finish watching this movie (I attempted to finish the film 3 times- years within each attempt) and I get so bored. I don't care if the acting/story is bad- this is called "Jaws 3-D" not "The Godfather 4". This movie is just not interesting. For an hour or so, the shark is in the movie for like 5% of the movie, and the movie just focuses on all these dumb characters and all their dumb relationships to each other.
If the movie looked nice, it would be a different story, but this movie looks TERRIBLE. It's grainy as *beep*.
Look, I love 3D B-flick horror movies. Especially cheesy ones. Friday the 13th Part 3D is so enjoyable, My Bloody Valentine 3D is so enjoyable, etc. This? This was just yawn-inducing.
Anyone else hold these views?