Loved this movie!

I won't loan my treasured VHS copy to anyone! I admit the plot was terrible and totally unbelievable, but I love spooky-old-house movies where a long lost relative shows up. Seeing Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, and Peter Cushing all together in one movie is why I love it.


I love this movie too. Agreeably the plot was not the best in the world but at least the usual haunted house cliches are not used here. Remember that in this case, the plot revolves around a family reunion during which a relative who has been locked up for 40 years is to be released. And the manor house is very creepy even when you are watching the movie for the hundredth time. And of course, this is one of just two movies where you can see Price, Lee and Cushing together.


I'm not sure Scream...and Scream Again! really counts. I mean, all three are IN it, yes, but Lee and Price have only one scene at the end, and Peter Cushing is in it so briefly, by the time you've said, "Oh, look, there's Peter Cushing," he's gone!

And why do people seem to generally ignore John Carradine's presence in this feature? He's great! Even though it is a bit odd to see him cast as the father - he's the eldest of the four, certainly, but he's only 5 years senior to Price, the next eldest. I know, Carradine was prolific privately as well as on screen, but you must admit 5 is awfully young to begin siring children!


I'm a huge fan of this film too. I still think the whole back story about the brother and his bedroom are creepy.
Love to see this get a DVD release.

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


Wodewick? Quite disturbing.

I'd love to see it on DVD, too.

I barely remember it, except that I loved it.

"Dave's out.
I'm in.
And stop saying mock."


taylorje, I am a massive fan of this film too.

Do you have any other suggestions?

I've seen a lot of films like this but know there's always going to be some I've missed.

Let me know, very keen to hear your suggestions.

I have enough faith in my judgment to recognize a stinker.


There are a number of earlier versions of Earl Derr Biggers' novel "Seven Keys to Baldpate". This is probably one of the most current versions.

I've seen the ones released in 1917, 1929, 1935, and 1947.

JimHutton (1934-79) & ElleryQueen
