Halloween 3 sucks.

I have always avoided this movie because people said it was terrible. In the last few years, many reviewers like Redlettermedia actually claim it's a great movie only bugged down by the franchise name.

I gave it a shot yesterday and well, it does sucks. The main character is gross. The plot involving an Irish -American town, druids, a magical stone, sacrifices and robots(!) is fucking stupid.

The idea of halloween masks fusing to kids' faces was great to begin with, but they did nothing with it. The boy turning into bugs and snakes after being killed by the mask seems like something a 9 years old would think of. If the main character is a doctor, why not have a kid brought to the hospital with a mask fused to his face as the inciting incident? That would have been a much better start than silly men in suits killing people.


It's different so it's automatic good.


Said no one.


That seems to be the logic, and nostalgia for some people. It's like fondly remembering the time one stepped in dog shit.


Except...It's not.


i think this film have good story. very original. tom atkin is good actor.

the idea to have each halloween sequels with new story is good ideas. this would continue but philistines demand same film as first so all halloween film after 3 get same stupid story as first. this is why this film should get credits for trying something new. best halloween sequel. feel like john carpenters film!

halloween 3 is not bad film. there is few scene i dont like, but it is okay horror films.



You seem to have written on the wrong board. This is a film you didn't watch by the sounds of it.


OP sucks..


It kinda sucked but these early Halloween movies had super cheap budgets, which meant they would make decent money for the producers. Halloween II wasn't any better, probably worse.

The whole idea was great in concept, make a different, scary Halloween movie each year..for some reason they just couldn't get er done.


Me no like movie. Movie no have man in mask chasing girls. Me find movie dum.


Not only does this movie not suck, it's better than most of the Halloween sequels. How can you not like Tom Atkins, Dan O'Herlihy and John Carpenter's score?


Your opinion indicates you are a virgin.
