Spoiler: The Masks
Something I have always wondered and don't know why I haven't asked this before.
Ok, so after the transformation occurs, which of course involves snakes, Jerusalem Bugs (were they supposed to be poisonous), and other creatures, are we to assume that once they leak out and kill those around (if they weren't too shell shocked to leave the area), that they would eventually crawl out of the house and pour into neighbours houses and other houses. Or, do you think the authorities would probably section off areas and kill the rattlers.
Also, remember, Cochran loves a good joke. So, are we to assume that rattlers and other creatures leak from all masks or would each mask kill the child and innocent bystanders in different ways. Seems to me that if snakes leaked out, people would have a pretty damn good chance to flee. They would not be locked in a room like the Kuphers were.