You know how conspiracy theorists find 9/11 references in movies (I know you've seen them on Youtube). I'm surprised none of them referenced the 9/11 in this movie:
I think I'll contact a few of them. This movie seems ripe with NWO/Illuminati stuff.
Edit: I made a clip out of this scene. Funny how seconds before this, it was 8:40pm (Mountain Time); However, when it was 9:11pm, it stayed on for 2 minutes and 46 seconds. _ Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
Thanks. I watched my clip again minutes ago and just noticed the technician presses 6 6 6 to initiate the killer video feed. Daniel Challis looks down at the keypad as the tech is doing this; 666 is a real easy sequence to remember. Previously, I was curious to know how he remembered the number sequence when he punches it in later and drops all the medallions that kills the robots/techs.
_ Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
I watch a lot of conspiracy videos on Youtube. Most of that stuff is BS, but even when people are joking, there is a hint or clue of seriousness hidden beneath the trolling or joking.
Take my other thread for example. You and I both now for a fact that they used subliminal messages for marketing purposes way back when. Ok... if they were able to successfully do that using movies to sell more Coca-Cola and popcorn, how far fetched would it be to put other sh!t in movies that only your sub-conscience (or people that are awake and aware of what's going on) would notice? This whole hidden 9/11 in movies mumbo jumbo may just be that, but there is no denying that it is there. And for this movie, it was on screen for 2:46! Maybe it's in reference to the emergency 9-11 call, who knows, but it's there. However, playing Devil's advocate, in the video clip I posted, you also see 11:11. That unto itself has special meaning.
Numbers are the angels favourite way of communicating with us lately and I highly recommend you pay attention to which numbers stand out to you and which ones you see repetitively, because they are clues that you can access to find out about aspects of your life you are wanting clarity on. The book “Angel Numbers 101” by Doreen Virtue is a great resource to have when you want to more info on what the numbers have to tell you. She is a highly intuitive and experienced Angel Therapist who was given (through meditation) this info to share with us all, and the more we use these types of tools, the more sense our lives will make, as well as infusing the loving energy and power of the angels messages into our souls. Using this book as a guide, it tells us that the number 11:11 means: Stay positive! Your thoughts are rapidly materializing (sometimes instantly), so to ensure happy outcomes focus on the good in the situation and give any fearful thoughts to Heaven for transmutation. Now, imagine that… INSTANT manifestation! (It is happening to more and more people as the veil between heaven and earth is thinning due to the rising consciousness!)
That's just the first example I found when I searched moments ago. I used to always see 666 everywhere. In my job queue, license plates, taxi cabs, etc. Usually happened when I was under stress. It wasn't until I researched this that I found it didn't have anything to do with the Devil or anything evil. Like the quote above, it was something that kept repeating as a way to get my attention. Whatever I was thinking, or doing at the time, may have been something important that required me to stop...think about what I was doing...calm down...relax...take a deep breath, whatever. Now-a-days I don't see it as often, but now that I put it out there, I'll probably see it all over the place tomorrow.
But I digress; I can't help but think that people are ignorant and one day they'll say, "But I didn't know. No one told us". But all along, here the message was always given to us hidden in the form of entertainment. What does all this mean, and what purpose does it serve? Perhaps the truth always finds a way to make itself known. We just got to be smart enough to recognize it when we see it. _ Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
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Movies like They Live and Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978 must be right up your alley. Those are two off the top of my head horror conspiracy movies.
Some conspiracies though are just that, talk. No proof. Were we responsible for 9/11, other than not seeing the signs to stop it? Are there aliens here/are we alone in the universe? Doubtful on both counts. Never seen one to prove it, though.
I have an open mind to such things, don't get me wrong. I would like to believe in certain things, it makes things more interesting. Who knows, maybe it's already too late. Not much we can do about it now. I told you so won't do much good. So I seek proof. Take it with a grain of salt otherwise.
"He came home." - Dr. Sam Loomis from the original HalloweeN
Michael Myers - MM is sidewards 33. Obviously he wasn't in this one so they had to use their trusty other methods of getting it in.
Silver Shamrock - S = 3 in Chaldean numerology so initials SS is 33
Conal Cochrane - C is 3 in the alphabet so CC is 33.
When they're driving to the town he says 'we drive 10 miles then turn right on 33'
Santa Mira = 33 in pythagorean numerology
There's a sign saying Railroad Ave outside the factory - Railroad Ave = 33 in Chaldean numerology.
Then yes he types 666 to activate the video.
And they use all of the 11 times table so it's not just the 9/11 on the display. 8/11, 9/11, 10/11, 11/11. that's 88, 99, 110, 121. If you've studied 9/11 numerology properly you'll see those numbers a lot.
Apply the methods I've just said to pretty much any movie, event, subject and you'll see they do it with everything. Any way they can get it in.
You missed the most blatant esoteric reference in the film. Watch this clip where Dan O'Herelihy's character Cochran explains the provenance of one of his androids, starting at around 1:50. "This was a rare piece. German. Made in Munich, 1785."
Now, what region of Germany is Munich the capitol? Munich is the capitol of Bavaria. What famous underground movement was disbanded in Bavaria in 1785? The Bavarian Illuminati.
i have a problem in that i believe my landlord is reptilian man,
how do we as christians combat this and is he raising my rent because of his cold blood?
I started a thread on this already, but I'll post it here too. Watch this clip where Dan O'Herelihy's character Cochran explains the provenance of one of his androids, starting at around 1:50. "This was a rare piece. German. Made in Munich, 1785." Now, what region of Germany is Munich the capitol? Munich is the capitol of Bavaria. What famous underground movement was disbanded in Bavaria in 1785? The Bavarian Illuminati.
I think you are looking too much into things. A lot of movies don't have that great of a real time to runtime ratio. Just look at Die Hard 3. Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson have like 30 minutes to drive across New York to answer a phone. The drive takes about 3-5 minutes of the movie's runtime, but by the time they reach the phone, they only have seconds remaining. From what we see, it doesn't look like they were in the car for about 29 minutes 30 seconds. Also, if you read the novel to the Hugh Jackman Van Helsing movie, the whole final fight happens in the 12 chimes of midnight, but the fight takes up 15-20 minutes of the movie's runtime. And then there is the whole runway fight in Fast & Furious 6. Everyone thinks it's a super long runway, but really, it seems like they are taking off for 10-15 minutes because they break down stuff and show everyone's POV and what they were doing in the scene. But then you got to also factor in the whole thing of how terrible the ratio is for real time to movie runtime, so about 5 minutes for us is maybe 2-3 minutes for the characters. I've even seen plenty of movies too where the characters have like 30 seconds to stop a bomb, and it takes 5+ minutes of the movie's runtime to do that. Or go watch The Tale Of The Phantom Cab episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark? The kids have 30-45 seconds to answer Dr. Vink's riddle or else they are going to die when the cab crashes into a tree. That 30-45 seconds is more like 2-4 minutes of the episode's runtime. You'll be saying, "this is one long ass 30-45 seconds" since they keep going and going and going and haven't crashed yet. So yeah. Lots of movies and TV shows don't have the greatest real time to runtime ratio, and I think everyone is just looking too much into stuff. Stuff could be happening in that scene in Halloween 3 a lot faster for the characters than us. Plus you have to factor in that they probably had to reset the clocks to 9:11 EVERY TIME they started a new take.