POLAR STAR adaptation
I'm a little hazy on the timing for this, but sometime in the late eighties to the mid nineties, my wife and I saw a trailer, in the theaters no less, for a film of POLAR STAR. Hurt was reprising his role as Arkady Renko, Charlotte Rampling played the wildlife biologist and Brian Dennehy was the corrupt and expedient American businessman. (I'm stretching a bit here. . . it's been years since I saw the trailer, let alone read the book, but I think I have those roles correct.) Never saw it in the theater, which is surprising since they'd gone so far as to be showing previews of it in the theaters. IMDb has no listing for it. Don't know if it went straight to cable and disappeared, or what. Anyone know what became of the project? They had enough footage in the can to present a trailer and set the scene credibly, so I'm not sure what happened. Any clues you can come up with would be appreciated. . .
I've discovered from other threads here that Martin Cruz Smith has written as many as five Arkady Renko novels. I'll have to get cracking to play catch up!
"I'm not from here, I just live here. . ."
-James Mc Murtry