Was he really gonna do heroin in the beginning, or was that just comedy? I remember that really confused me back in 1985 when I was a naive 13 year old. I'm still pretty naive now.
"He doesn't even drink and never has?? Why is that?"
Probably because it's bad for you. Although it's legal and socially accepted (and fun!), never forget that alcohol can kill you in numerous ways. He doesn't even drink coffee which is also bad for you despite how accepted it is.
Back in the 80's when he was getting famous, every article about him mentioned that he doesn't do drugs or alcohol. I learned about him not drinking coffee on the DVD of Beverly Hills Cop. I think it was the director who said that during the scenes in the police station, Eddie was so tired and people offered him coffee. But he said that he never drank coffee and never would. But he relented and had a couple of sips. He got so wired that he improvised the whole speech "They're not just ordinary cops. They're super cops."
I can't believe no one else ever noticed it before. He says it very clearly in the beginning while the Busboys are singing "Boys Are Back In Town" About one minute after the start of the video.
Eddie: "Hey Clinton, I can't perform without my heroin."
Clinton: "I got to meet the man now."
Eddie: "If they don't give it to me...Ooooh...enough so I don't over-dee, but so I have a good head."
I really doubt he was being serious, but I sure thought so when I was thirteen.
w i l l . t h e y . r e m e m b e r . i n . a . h u n d r e d . y e a r s ?
How are you gonna O.D. on hair oil? Then in the next scene he's getting on the bus and you can hear him saying "I wonder if people be saying that sh!t - (white person voice) life goes too fast for Murphy. He's gonna O.D. or some sh!t... (normal voice)...not me, baby!"
w i l l . t h e y . r e m e m b e r . i n . a . h u n d r e d . y e a r s ?
Trust me, with the type of hair style Eddie had back in '83, you could "O.D." on hair oil. And even if he happened to say heroin, what the f--- does it matter? He's a comedian. I doubt that that means he was using.