'Delirious' Ice Cream Scene
Can anyone write out the entire Ice Cream scene on here?
shareUmm... anyone?
Will do my best.....
"ICE CREAM! The Ice Cream man is coming"!
"Mom! Mom! The ice cream man is coming"
I'd get my ice cream & wouldn't eat it for a little while...
(in a teasing little kid's voice)...
"I have some ice cream"
"I have some ice cream"
"I have some ice cream"
"And I'm gonna eat it all"
"And I'm gonna eat it all"
The ice cream would be running all down your arm....
"Ice cream"
"I'm gonna eat up my ice cream"
There would be a kid on the side that didn't get no ice cream.
The kids don't care.
They'd Go:
"You don't have no ice cream"
"You didn't get none"
"You didn't get none"
"You didn't get none"
"You didn't get none"
"Cuz you are on da welfare"
"You can't afford it"
"You can't afford it"
"You can't afford it"
All the kids join in....
"You can't afford it"
"You can't afford it"
""And his Father's an alcoholic"
"You want some ice cream"
"You want to eat some of my ice cream. But...."
"You wanna lick?"
"You want some ice cream"
"You want some ice cream"
"I'm gonna eat all of my ice cream"
"you can't have some"
"You can't....."
(Drops microphone *ice cream cone* on the ground, & looks down at it....
Runs to other side, acting as poor kid.....
"You dropped your ice cream"
"You dropped your ice cream"
Runs back to other side as self...and picks up the ice cream off the ground, & kisses it, and holds it high in the air.
"Eat it!"
I bet i can do that better:
"i do like some ice cream though, do they have the ice cream truck around here?"
Audience replies: "Yes!"
"do they have mr. softy ice cream? what is it about the ice cream truck that makes kids lose. Do yuo remember that when you the ice cream truck used too come by that no matter what you where doing you owuld stop and loose your *beep* minds?"
"You know, you will be doing some marbles and *beep* and going....Tudututuut tudutududu.... ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM! the ice cream man is coming... the ice cream man is coming! Ma! Ma! throw down some money!"
"Then your mother would come out the window (what he says then is blabla) and bring back my change!"
"Then you run down the street, top speed. Chasing the ice cream truck. Going ICE CREAM1 The ice cream man always drove an extra block though, and i know he has seen us and *beep* but i tihnk he was just being a comedian with his friends saying: Look at me go fast, i can amke these *beep* run."
"You'll be there, your out of breath saying (again, bla bla). Bye Bye ice cream man, thank you. and then i get my ice ceam, i remember when i get my icecream i wouldn't eat it. I would save it for a little while. You know kids are going."
Starts dancing. and makes a kid voice:
"I have some ice cream. I have some ice cream. And i'm gonna eat it all, i'm gonna it all. Ihihihice creheam. The ice cream be running all down your arm. Ice creheam! and ten a kid standing on the side who have no ice cream and kids don't care. You don't have no ice cream, you didn't get no, you didn't get none. cause you are on the wealthfare and yo can't afford it, you can't afford it. Other kids joining. You can't afford it. Yo can't afford it. and his father is an alcoholic. You want some of my ice cream. wanna lick? Psyche! I have some ice cream i have some ice cream. You cannot have some, you cannot."
Drops the mic. Looks a while, steps to the other side:
"you droped your icecream. You dropped your ice cream."
Steps back, then picks it up, kisses the mic and continues singing.
"eat it! I can drop my ice cream in a pile of *beep* and eat it. I mean its just sprenckeled like sprenckeled. Don't let your mother doing that *beep* though. If my mother caught me doing that *beep* she would be letting me put that back on the floor. and you drop it, quick saying "I wasn't going too eat it"
Then the part about the shoe starts.:)
You did it better than that guy above you, but you F'ed up royally on the dialogue too... not only is it not accurate, but don't you proof read your crap before you send it out?
plus... to the both of you... it's spelled SIKE when you're using it in that context.
actually it's not... the word 'sike' was used by Chaucer to mean 'sigh.' Read Canterbury Tales (or dictionary.com for morons), see for yourself.
sharei read canterbury tales... aren't you the villiage idiot in those stories?
Ice Cream skit is HILARIOUS. Eddie is a fu cking genius!!
¤~¤ You'll never break me, 'cause I'm unbreakable ¤~¤