I just re-watched Delirious for the first time in forever. Funny as ever. His Jackie Gleason is so dead-on, especially the small mannerisms. Anyway, I thought there was a bit in Delirious about Jamaican men scoring with white women. The white woman is crying and the Jamaican guy goes up to her and says, "Whacha cryin' boot?" and then starts seducing her. But that bit wasn't there. Was that bit in Raw? Or was this video missing that bit? Just curious.
It's from Raw but what on earth makes you think that sketch was about white women & jamaicans? He NEVER ONCE said anything about it being a white woman. Didn't say it wasn't just curious that how you heard that.
Very interesting. You are right that he does not indicate overly that the woman is white. I just re-watched it on Youtube and it is the Bahaman joke, not Jamaican...lol.
I did not see the bit since Raw was in the theatre. I may have seen it when it came out VHS, but I can see how I assumed it was a white woman because the crying woman on the beach is naive and somewhat nerdy. The female voice he uses when the woman is going to cheat in a "classy" way is much more self-assured. After the woman is crying on the beach, "she" sounds much more naive. In terms of Eddie Murphy bits, white people tend to be nerdy and naive and awkward and black men AND women are portrayed as cool and street-smart. I think that's why I just assumed the woman on the beach was white whereas I could think the woman "going to cheat" was black. Eddie Murphy was always very good at switching perceived racial superiority. His bit on SNL about the first black man into space and how a couple white guys said "what's the big deal? We've sent monkey's into space before and then he breaks down how white guys look more like chimpanzee's than black guys was pure gold.
I have to say it is interesting what you find when you google a username. Thanks to everyone who reminded me it was from Raw...sorry, I thought it was Jamaican and not Bahaman. :)
Well I can't quite say I agree with you there as the hypothetical african wife Unfufu was the epitome of naive. It's funny how people perceive so many different angles from the same story. I guess that's his gift as comedians are more story-tellers than anything.