How the hell did The BBFC award this a '15'?
Absolutely astounds me how the long-awaited DVD release of "Delirious" was awarded a '15' by The BBFC. Were the examiners drunk when they watched it? I would be deeply unhappy to let many 15 year olds see this film. Perhaps The BBFC were aware of the cult following that the film has developed over the years amongst young people and in true Eddie Murphy style watched it and went: “F—k it, give it a ’15.’”
As brilliant as the film is, it's a swear fest from start to finish, and, whilst this may not necessarily be enough to warrant an '18' certificate, the completely ignorant comments about AIDS (more a product of the time it was made than anything else), homosexuals, race and gender surely demand this one get a solid '18' certificate, especially as a strong, occasionally unpleasant tone of misogyny hangs over the entire proceedings. One can understand why Murphy has remained reputably unhappy about allowing the film out on DVD; many of the on-stage comments back in 1984 must have seemed rather dated and stupid; now they just appear out-and-out ignorant. And, hey, I'm not some puritan who wants the film banned or anything like that (!); in the context of when it was made, it’s funny (damn funny) and Murphy’s impersonations are fantastic but...Would most 15 year olds be willing to understand the jokes in this context? Mind, would most 18 year olds?!
Comments such as "you go home with that AIDS s--t on your lips" and an out-and-out assault on gays ("I keep moving cos you don't know where the *beep* section is") may be amusing but not really the stuff that's suitable for a generation that's struggling to accept and comprehend issues such as those ridiculed and joked about in the film. This is certainly one for adults only.
Still love it, mind.