Eddie Murphys Father scene

Johnny Boosta
I was literally crying when I first heard this its was so hilarious.
" Every year Gus you come here and burn down my mother"""king backyard. Why?!!! " I got drunk in my mother"""king kitchen and I was drinking out of my glass in my mother"""king house. Goonie goo goo what the f""k does goonie goo goo mean Gus" Just BRILLIANT!


I agree thats the funniest part of the movie!


when people come over thats the first thing i show them lolol!

"the dogs STUPID eddie! the dogs 3 years old doesent know his own name, watch, coco...whre the *beep* is he goin?"


That made me chuckle just reading that! I prey for a re-release.


Yea Eddie's father was the best part of an awesome stand up. My 2 favorite parts were:

"Stop crying Eddie, stop crying or you can the *beep* out. I know your 7, but you'll be a 7 year old walking the dog, no house mfer"

"When nobodys home, you know what I do Eddie? You know what I do? I kick the mfing dog with everything I got Eddie and than I giggle my mfing ass off"

Loved this. Saw him on the actors studio the other day and it sounds like he doesn't rule out stand up again. I don't know if he would be as good as he was when he was younger, but I would still like to see it because he's still funny to this day.



The Father skit has to be the best.
My favourite part was:

The sh it is hard as a rock now!
It's like motherfuc kin furniture in there !

I went in there last week to watch the fight,
and said fu ck it I put my drink on top of it Eddie

It's a coffee table now !
Why can't you clean up sh it ?

My friends come over and they oh that's
lovely. It's not lovely it's a piece of sh it.

¤~¤ You'll never break me, 'cause I'm unbreakable ¤~¤


"I'm drunk, beautiful. I'm drunk, so what?"

"Yo.. Gatorade me, b*tch!"
- Jesse Pinkman.
