After years of waiting I watched Curtains tonight
So for the last few years I have been patiently waiting to buy Curtains on dvd. I have been waiting for a region 1 release. I had never seen the movie and all I had to do was watch the trailer and know I wanted to see it. Since I love older horror all I do it watch trailers and if it looks cool I will buy it.
I didn't want to buy the region 2 dvd as I said I was holding out. I kinda just said *beep* it tonight and watched it on youtube. I don't like to watch movies online it feels cheapened to me. Maybe I enjoy it more when I pay for or maybe it's just of better quality on a dvd. Well anyway I thought it was pretty good. I was just a but disappointed. Of course I had my expectations up waiting so long.
It was creepy and awesome. My absolute fav slashers are Black Christmas, Tourist Trap, and Just Before Dawn. I was just a bit let down that I did not like it as much as those three especially Black Christmas but I still thought Curtains was a good 80's slasher. It definitely needs a dvd release. I've got a list of horror films I want on dvd some are on region 1 but discontinued, some are not on region 1 dvd but on other regions and some are not on dvd at all.