MovieChat Forums > Curtains (1983) Discussion > I'm Confused. PLEASE HELP!!!! (SPOILERS...

I'm Confused. PLEASE HELP!!!! (SPOILERS!)

I really liked this movie, but I didn't understand a few things........

1) Who helped Samantha escape from the mental institution???? I was under the impression that the killer would be Samantha and/or whoever helped her escape. However, this person's identity was never revealed. Who was it????

2) What was the meaning or signifigance of the doll. It was creepy and all, but was there a deeper meaning behind it????

3) What is the deal with Patti???? Was she the one who helped Samantha escape???? Was she ever a "real" stand-up comedian or was that all in her head??? Was she in the mental insitution the whole time and the whole movie was in her head???? Or did she end up in the mental institution after the murders????



Oddly enough, none of these things are ever explained at all.

Perhaps they were explained in the original script or in some of the original footage that was shot, but in the final cut of the film, it's all pretty mysterious.

I do think Patti was a real comedian . The film was never meant to be all in her head. The original ending has her doing her bit on stage in Stryker's house (the same one from the opening scene with Samantha) after the massacre with all the actresses propped up behind her a la Happy Birthday To Me. If we take that in consideration, then it was never meant to be all in her mind.

I'm almost thinking that, since we never see Samantha's friend, I'm thinking they cut the part down to that one scene and just had a voice over actor provide the voice and use a grip for what little of her body we see. Maybe it was her agent or something?

I wish I knew more about the doll. Mainly why the hell it disappears after the 2nd murder never to be seen again. WTF?


I liked that the person who helped Samantha remained a mystery. The doll was the killers calling card. A sign of death. We should have seen it at least once more after the 2nd murder but this was probably due to one of many production problems the film had. Patti was a comedian and went to the asylum after the murders. It was real. Not just in her head.


I'd kill for a special edition with the original cut of the film and possibly a draft of the script before all the changes.


I would kill too if it included loads of extras like commentaries, behind the scenes, etc.


I hope the others answered your question. Anyway, the identity of Samantha's friend wasn't disclosed. It wasn't Patti though. You could see enough of her silhouette that it wasn't Patti. Remember, Samantha was throwing photos of all the other actresses (including Patti) into the fireplace. She wouldn't have done that if Patti were her friend.
