MovieChat Forums > Curtains (1983) Discussion > FYI: 'Better' copy now on Hulu

FYI: 'Better' copy now on Hulu

I noticed that Curtains is on Hulu now. Picture-wise, it's a case of give and take compared to the YouTube version.

On YouTube, the color looks fairly normal and the image is somewhat brighter, but there's very little detail and a lot of compression smearing the picture.

On Hulu, the picture is significantly more detailed and sharper and has much less of an issue with smeary compression, BUT the color has a green/blue and the picture is quite a bit darker.

Neither of them are widescreen, unfortunately.


It's now available on Redbox Instant as well. It was pretty dark and it was hard to tell what was going on in some scenes, but it's worth a try (one month free trial).
