MovieChat Forums > Curtains (1983) Discussion > Release date delayed again!

Release date delayed again!

August 12. What's going on?


Where did you see that?

From the Synapse Films facebook page, posted 10 hours ago -

Synapse Films: "It's not further delayed. I was in my local Barnes & Nobles on Tuesday and they said they still had their copies on order for the store. Perhaps their distributor (B&N does NOT buy direct from us), is feeding them false info. Until I hear otherwise from my actual distributor to the contrary, our discs are still scheduled with a street date of Tuesday the 29th. As a matter of fact, the last time I spoke to our distributor, they said the discs were due to be in for assembly either yesterday or today."

* emphasis mine

And on that same facebook page he also addresses why it was delayed from July 8 to July 29.


Both the Canadian and U.S. Amazons have it listed as August 12. By the way, what was the reason given for the delay from July 8 to the 29?

EDIT: has now changed the release date back to the 29 but .ca still has it listed as the 12.


“Hey hey, Don from Synapse here with a note about CURTAINS to Synapse fans… There are two things about CURTAINS that may make it late by a couple weeks (don’t worry… both are GOOD reasons).

First, the film stock was incredibly grainy and, when we got our first encodes back, honestly, I thought they could be better. The encoder wasn’t handling the grain structure well and it was softening the grain enough for me to take a couple more cracks at the compression. It looked really good for the most part, but when paused, I was seeing breakup in the grain that I wasn’t too fond of. Right now, I am awaiting delivery of our third pass at the encode and I hope to have it Thursday. I could’ve released it as is, and probably no one would’ve noticed, but for me, it’s important to do it right, and I felt concentrating more on encode settings for as close to perfection as we could is the best thing to do. I mean, we ARE going from a 2K file 2TB in size, and trying to release a 50GB Blu, so there is ALWAYS going to be compression issues… It’s unavoidable…The 2nd thing is that, right after we’d encoded, got our bit budget and finished everything, we got the opportunity to add an additional supplement. On the Blu (sorry DVD lovers… space limitations on a DVD-9 was already squeezed pretty tight) there will be a small vintage documentary on director Richard Ciupka for the Blu that actually HAS BEHIND-THE SCENES FOOTAGE(!!!) from the set of CURTAINS. This didn’t come to our attention until late in the game, but Michael Felsher of Red Shirt Pictures really pushed for us to include it, and we will.

Big thanks to the filmmakers for allowing access to it. The delay in getting the encode done much better, and adding the featurette for the Blu is, in our opinion, well worth the wait. I just wanted CURTAINS to be the ultimate presentation, so I hope you’ll all be patient for an extra couple weeks. We’re still shooting for a July release date (probably Tuesday July 22nd [now the 29th], but I need to have a meeting with our distributor first).”

Blu-ray and DVD Specs and Extras will feature:
◾5.1 Surround Remix Specifically Created for This Release
◾The Ultimate Nightmare: The Making of Curtains – An all-New retrospective featuring interviews with Director Richard Ciupka, Stars Lesleh Donaldson & Lynne Griffin, Editor Michael MacLaverty, Special Make-Up Effects Creator Greg Cannom, and Composer Paul Zaza
◾Audio Commentary with Stars Lesleh Donaldson & Lynne Griffin
◾Audio Interview with Producer Peter R. Simpson
◾Audio Interview with Star Samantha Eggar
◾Theatrical Trailer


Back to August 12 again.


Synapse Films CURTAINS' release date is next Tuesday (July 29). Review copies are going out, distributor copies have shipped and our office copies, for those that preordered direct from us, should be in on Wednesday for us to mail out to customers. n=timeline
