Original Artwork from "Curtains" available for bidding on Ebay
Serious horror film aficionados and collectors...an original oil painting used as the basis for the film poster of "Curtains" (1983) is being auctioned off on Ebay right now. The dimensions are 35' x 25' and the medium is mixed media. This piece is really rare, and your one of a kind opportunity to own a genuine articact of 80s horror film history. The listing is not for the faint of heart though - the seller is expecting bids between $1000 and $3000.
If you are interested, you can visit the Ebay link or PM me. Thanks!
link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/CURTAINS-Original-painted-film-Art-circa-1983-35-X-25-Rue-Morgue-cover-/321773599963?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aeb337cdb