Gross Neglect?
Even ignoring the fact that we NEVER see the dog being fed or given water (or drinking/eating), and that poor Cujo is almost categorically ignored pre-aggression...ujo has a visible, sore-looking wound on his nose from the bat-bite that is never acknowledged or even cleaned...the wound gets worse, looking very painful and infected and the dog appears lethargic and whines a lot...nobody pays any attention.
Even when the dog is constantly cowering and whining, has an awful, raw, very apparent , seeping facial wound, puss on his face and blood-shot eyes...the fact that anyone would let their pet get into that state without calling a vet is shocking. Yet, not a single person even NOTICES.
Is it just me or is that serious neglect? If I saw one of my neighbours dogs in such a way, I'd be straight at their door to make sure they knew about it. I'd probably even report them if they admitted to knowingly not treating it or trying to treat it.
Every single event/injury/death could have been avoided so, so easily.