Athanks for this info. I e watches this. Obie so many times over the past, gasp, thirty years and always wondered what was meant. Lillian, acknowledges with a nod that Hal is somehow, more, but more what was never clear. I couldn't imagine how she would be able to know he was more, that it was something she could measure perhaps? It didn't make sense to me. Years ago, I even wondered if his penis had become longer somehow, since it was the only thing I could think of that connected all the dots- his sexual experience, her being able to verify it, and his saying he was now more. But that seemed to be such a stupid idea for a supposedly intelligent film. My most recent thoughts were that his brainwaves were different now, measurably changed and that was how Lillian was able to confirm it. So I'm sort of correct, after all. I miss movies like this, when every point isn't laid out and spelled for the audience in capital letters, I like a movie that lets us wonder and think a bit.