MovieChat Forums > Bad Boys (1983) Discussion > Big missed audio goof (and a small one)

Big missed audio goof (and a small one)

Wow- I just caught a good audio goof.

During the final fight scene- when Mick drags Paco, you can hear Esai Morales tell Sean Penn to grab his arm. If you turn the audio up right before Sean Penn uses both hands to drag Paco, you can hear him say "grab my arm".

Also- during the scene where Viking trips Horowitz in the mess hall, and
the guard says "yeah, yeah, Loffgrin... we'll see your weenie later," the whole cast cracks up. Even Esai Morales puts his head down to hide his laughter.

On a side note- I love Sean Penn & Esai Morales in their youth.



Amazing Romefan!!!

You just named two of my most fav documentaries!! How did you know?? I have seen all 3 "Paradise Lost" docs, also Damien & Loris doc: "West of Memphis".

I have also read 3 books on the murders and Damiens book "Life After Death."

I also love the doc Gladiator Days. Did you know Sandy Shaw is out of prison? She's doing well now and working. =)


Hehe I noticed Morales laughing after the weiner line. The actor who said it must have ad-libbed.


lol have to pay closer attention next time.

i got that Justin Bieber please believe it


You have to turn up the sound to hear the "grab my arm" line. =)


Well the worst audio goof is when Horowitz is being dragged into solitary the first time. He's not screaming hardly any of those things - it's all dubbed in.
