MovieChat Forums > Bad Boys (1983) Discussion > Why was Lofgren given so much developmen...

Why was Lofgren given so much development?

Seriously, Viking goes through what seems like a LOT of development. At first he seems just like a thug but once he doesn't have any power, he goes through like a huge change. He's going from beating people up to drawing pictures of birds and starting to walk out of the room sheepishly when Paco just MENTIONS O'Brien beating him up.

What exactly were the filmmakers trying to do here? Why wasn't it O'Brien who drew the picture of the bird or someone else besides Lofgren? Was Viking a sympathetic villain? I've got no complaints, I just find it really interesting.

What do you guys think?

"Let the games begin."
-Bane, The Dark Knight Rises 2012


This is a pretty good question. I think that they all go through changes, even Horowitz, the sociopathic "Jew-Boy". They're not necessarily all bad kids completely--there are some redeeming values to all of them (maybe not Tweety).

But Viking indeed does grow, as you said, I never really considered that. Maybe it was part in partial to him being just a bully and once he got his ass kicked, he found a new place--couldn't quite redeem himself without Tweety, either. O'Brien exposed that turd for what he really was--big and dumb.

Maybe you can just stand there, and let him kick your ass...!
--Sensei Terry Silver Karate Kid III


Just saw this movie for the first time. and I'm 31. I guess i missed out. Regardless, what you're brining up was something that really struck me. When the inmates are in class and the instructor shows the drawing and everyone laughs, theres a moment when Mick looks over not laughing. i thought this would play out in the film as well. i attribute things like this to budget and time. they didn't have enough time to make the bully into a real person. i liked the movie a lot and i think one of the only parts lacking was the story of Lofgren.


Interesting thoughts.


Plug in, man! What are yours?


Maybe it was to show that it was the system that made him the bully he was and once he lost his alpha dog status,his inner passion came out. In other words, all these kids are victims as well.

If you even dream about shooting me, you'd better wake up and apologize!!!
