Who was tougher, Tweety or Loughgran?
Such a fine film. Put it up there with The Warriors as a cult-classic. At any rate, your thoughts...?
I'd have to side with Tweety. He looked so freaking C R A Z Y when his eyes were bugging out at the table, confronting O'Brien after Little Dark Meat was killed. A refresher on the conversation with O'Brien:
"Nothing much..."
"WhenIaskaquestionyouansweryoudigman??!!??" (ready to punch his head in)
Tweety was psycho. Who'd wanna mess with that guy? And yet, I'd make the case that Viking was a big pussy. He was only as tough as Tweety made him, and got his just-desserts with the Yummy Cola episode. For a skinny guy like O'Brien to be Barn-Boss was kind of ridiculous, but it worked in the film, partly because Viking was so soft, and Tweety left early, out on his own recognizance. Tweety, on the other hand, was so maniacal that nobody wanted to mess with him in or out of Dorm C.
The random element, of course, was Horowitz--crazy as the day is long, pure sociopath, and borderline genius too. Always scheming. Never know how/when he was going to strike. In essence, he may be the most dangerous of the three. Thoughts? Please share, thanks...