Amityville 3 for $3

Thank you, Big Lots, provider of cheap dvd's!


Yep! And had I paid one cent more for this thing, I'd go demand my money back! As much as I love bad films.. Horror in particular... This film just SUCKED!! It's like watching a made for tv horror movie. 3rd rate actors with a 3rd rate story line... The only thing that could make this interesting would be to rerelease this in 3-D. The 3-D effects might have been cool when viewed in 3-D, but in it's released form, the effects are just cheesy.

Trust me,


In all fairness, they didn't look much better in the theatre. "Amityville 3D" & "Jaws 3D" were huge disappointments for me but for $3, I'M THERE!

"There's my buttercup!"
