Deer Hunter memories

Does the town remind anyone of the town from The Deer Hunter. Some scenes seem to share events.

eg. when Brian is getting married, Steff says Bastrovia or something which is what they say a lot of during the wedding scene in The Deer Hunter.

Even the Pub seems to be the exact same one in both films , bar taking up a corner and pool table out the back.

Does anyone else these resemblances?


Na zdaróvye. It's a Russian expression. (Why Russian, I don't know--Stef is obviously Serbian-American, but it's a fairly well-known expression.)

But I agree with your mainpoint re: The Deer Hunter--the two movies look very similar, they both have that bleak Pennsylvania dying-steel-town look to them.





The Deer Hunter took place in Clairton, PA though I think those scenes were mainly filmed in Northern West Virginia and Western Ohio. All the Right Moves takes place in a fictional Western PA steel town, Ampipe, which was filmed in Johnstown, PA. Johnstown is also a Western PA steel town. Both towns in both movies share many similar features though they are different. I guess all Western PA steel towns in the 70s and 80s looked similar.


I did kind of remind me of the town from Deer Hunter a little bit.


The Orthodox Church as well..The bars has similar names too - Carpatho and Lemco. Both Slavic heritages


You can add other towns like the one where they filmed Gung-Ho to the list. It's typical of Rust Belt Western PA, where there wasn't much to do other then drink in the bars, watch high school football and buy pierogies on Fridays in the early spring to support your local Orthodox Churh's lenten fundraiser. The mountains were just a bonus. I grew up in Johnstown. Not only was the town depressing the weather was lousey too. When I was kid we trick or treated and hunted easter eggs in the snow. In the summer, which lasted about a month and was also known as "pot hole filling" season, the snowstorms became thunderstorms and we got flooded out. It's why those who could ... moved.
