Pass Interference Penalty...
Nickerson getting on Stef about the pass interference penalty doesn't make any sense.
Walnut Heights had the ball with 1st and goal to go on Ampipe's 10 yard line. The receiver was on the 1 yard line when Stef interfered with him. Due to the rules of high school football they could only give Walnut Heights half the distance to the goal line. So Walnut Heights got the ball on Ampipe's 5 yard line with a repeat of first down rather than on the 1 yard line on 2nd down. Stef actually saved them 4 yards but gave them an extra down.
Ampipe ended up holding them and kept Walnut Heights from scoring and they got the ball back on downs. There was just enough time on the clock to run 1 play. Nickerson then decides he want to run the Joe Pisarcek play and gives Walnut Heights a touchdown and the game.
The effect of Stef's pass interference did not lead to the touchdown. It moved Walnut Heights 4 yards back, gave them an extra down but ran the time for 1 more play off the clock. If they hadn't gotten the extra down either Walnut Heights would've scored (they would've had the ball at the 1 yard line on 2nd down as the best case scenario) or Ampipe would've had to run 2 plays from their own goal line.
Nickerson said, "...they never would've been down there in the first place." The problem was they were already down there! The only thing Stef could've done different was:
1.) Let the guy catch the ball then try to tackle him (which given that he caught it on the 1 yard line he might have surged into the endzone for a touchdown)
2.) Cut inside and intercept the ball (which is not a given by any stretch of the imagination)
In the final analysis, Walnut Heights did not capitalize on Stef's pass interference penalty in any way shape or form. The smart thing for Nickerson to have done would've been to call for Rifleman to run a quarterback keeper, surge forward and run out the clock. The running play he called for was just asking for it especially since it was raining!